
[ ri-mahrk ]
/ rɪˈmɑrk /

verb (used with object)

verb (used without object)

to make a remark or observation (usually followed by on or upon): He remarked on her amazing wit and intelligence.


Origin of remark

1625–35; (v.) < French remarquer, Middle French, equivalent to re- re- + marquer to mark1; (noun) < French remarque, derivative of remarquer

synonym study for remark

7. Remark, comment, note, observation imply giving special attention, an opinion, or a judgment. A remark is usually a casual and passing expression of opinion: a remark about a play. A comment expresses judgment or explains a particular point: a comment on the author's scholarship. A note is a memorandum or explanation, as in the margin of a page: a note explaining a passage. Observation suggests a comment based on judgment and experience: an observation on social behavior.


re·mark·er, noun un·re·marked, adjective well-re·marked, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for remarked

British Dictionary definitions for remarked

/ (rɪˈmɑːk) /


(when intr , often foll by on or upon ; when tr, may take a clause as object) to pass a casual comment (about); reflect in informal speech or writing
(tr; may take a clause as object) to perceive; observe; notice


a brief casually expressed thought or opinion; observation
notice, comment, or observation the event passed without remark
engraving a variant spelling of remarque

Derived forms of remark

remarker, noun

Word Origin for remark

C17: from Old French remarquer to observe, from re- + marquer to note, mark 1