
[ ref-yooj ]
/ ˈrɛf yudʒ /


shelter or protection from danger, trouble, etc.: to take refuge from a storm.
a place of shelter, protection, or safety.
anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief, or escape.

verb (used with object), ref·uged, ref·ug·ing.

Archaic. to afford refuge to.

verb (used without object), ref·uged, ref·ug·ing.

Archaic. to take refuge.

Origin of refuge

1350–1400; Middle English < Middle French < Latin refugium, equivalent to refug(ere) to turn and flee, run away ( re- re- + fugere to flee; see fugitive) + -ium -ium

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British Dictionary definitions for refuge

/ (ˈrɛfjuːdʒ) /


shelter or protection, as from the weather or danger
any place, person, action, or thing that offers or appears to offer protection, help, or relief accused of incompetence, he took refuge in lying
another name for traffic island


archaic to take refuge or give refuge to

Word Origin for refuge

C14: via Old French from Latin refugium, from refugere to flee away, from re- + fugere to escape