[ ree-kuh n-struhkt ]
/ ˌri kənˈstrʌkt /
verb (used with object)
to construct again; rebuild; make over.
to re-create in the mind from given or available information: to reconstruct the events of the murder.
Historical Linguistics.
to arrive at (hypothetical earlier forms of words, phonemic systems, etc.) by comparison of data from a later language or group of related languages.
OTHER WORDS FROM reconstruct
re·con·struct·i·ble, adjective re·con·struc·tor, re·con·struct·er, nounWords nearby reconstruct
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British Dictionary definitions for reconstruct
/ (ˌriːkənˈstrʌkt) /
verb (tr)
to construct or form again; rebuild
to reconstruct a Greek vase from fragments
to form a picture of (a crime, past event, etc) by piecing together evidence or acting out a version of what might have taken place