quantum theory
noun Physics.
any theory predating quantum mechanics that encompassed Planck's radiation formula and a scheme for obtaining discrete energy states for atoms, as Bohr theory.
any theory that treats certain phenomena by the methods of quantum mechanics: a quantum theory of gravitation.
Origin of quantum theory
First recorded in 1910–15
Words nearby quantum theory
quantum state,
quantum statistics,
quantum sufficit,
quantum system,
quantum teleportation,
quantum theory,
quantum tunneling,
British Dictionary definitions for quantum theory
quantum theory
a theory concerning the behaviour of physical systems based on Planck's idea that they can only possess certain properties, such as energy and angular momentum, in discrete amounts (quanta). The theory later developed in several equivalent mathematical forms based on De Broglie's theory and on the Heisenberg uncertainty principle
See wave mechanics
Scientific definitions for quantum theory
quantum theory
See quantum mechanics.
Any of various theories that makes use of the assumptions, principles, and laws of quantum mechanics.