Purdy points to an obscure but no less worrisome ruling in Sorrell v. IMS.
In a way, the timing of this Dancing With the Stars is perfect for Purdy.
But many who work with amputees say that seeing someone like Purdy on television is incredibly important.
So far, viewers of the show have seen Purdy in three different kinds of feet.
She admitted that watching Purdy dance on the foot was both exciting and a bit stressful.
Mr. Purdy mentions having seen a plant with a stalk nine feet high, bearing thirty-six flowers.
Purdy sat for a moment staring at the door, then whirled his horse, and rode away.
Tex didn't git Purdy—but they was five more of us there to back up his play.
Look here, Sime, old Purdy might have told us he'd taken away his oars.
It'll be the Purdy gang, then—an', believe me, we ain't goin' to stop at runnin' off a few head of horses.