
[ proh-skrip-shuh n ]
/ proʊˈskrɪp ʃən /


the act of proscribing.
the state of being proscribed.
outlawry, interdiction, or prohibition.

Origin of proscription

1350–1400; Middle English proscripcioun < Latin prōscrīptiōn- (stem of prōscrīptiō) public notice of confiscation or outlawry, equivalent to prōscrīpt(us) (past participle of prōscrībere to proscribe) + -iōn- -ion

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British Dictionary definitions for proscription

/ (prəʊˈskrɪpʃən) /


the act of proscribing or the state of being proscribed
denunciation, prohibition, or exclusion
outlawry or ostracism

Derived forms of proscription

proscriptive, adjective proscriptively, adverb proscriptiveness, noun

Word Origin for proscription

C14: from Latin prōscriptiō; see proscribe