
[ pruh-pound ]
/ prəˈpaʊnd /

verb (used with object)

to put forward or offer for consideration, acceptance, or adoption; set forth; propose: to propound a theory.

Origin of propound

1545–55; later variant of Middle English propone (see propone) < Latin prōpōnere to set forth, equivalent to prō- pro-1 + pōnere to put, place, set. See compound1, expound


pro·pound·er, noun un·pro·pound·ed, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for propound

/ (prəˈpaʊnd) /

verb (tr)

to suggest or put forward for consideration
English law
  1. to produce (a will or similar instrument) to the proper court or authority in order for its validity to be established
  2. (of an executor) to bring (an action to obtain probate) in solemn form

Derived forms of propound

propounder, noun

Word Origin for propound

C16 propone, from Latin prōpōnere to set forth, from pro- 1 + pōnere to place