The good news is that large numbers of Iranians are pro-American.
Now Fayyad, who for more than a decade has been the most pro-American Palestinian official, is leaving the scene.
Far fewer believe that the peoples of the Middle East yearn for secular, liberal, pro-American democracies.
The non-Pashtuns, who make up around 60 percent of the Afghan people, are the most pro-American in the country.
Barack Obama will be welcomed in Israel, for the pro-American sentiments run deep in that country.
There was the pro-American group and the pro-German government group.
And it is a pro-American group of Russian refugees who have an economic doctrine of their own.
Tisza, as well as all Hungarians, is pro-American before he is pro-German.
But she did not; her peace was to be like her war, pro-American rather than anti-English.
He is also pro-American (he lived in the States many years and his family is still there).