Like many Americans—but few Republican presidential candidates—the former Florida governor has evolved on the issue.
Bush busy engaging constituents on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate ahead of the 2004 presidential election.
Just 47 percent of Asian-Americans voted in the 2012 presidential election.
Should lightning strike and Hillary Clinton forgoes a presidential run, Democrats have a nominee in waiting.
Democrats would be mistaken to underestimate Mike Huckabee, perhaps the strongest Republican presidential contender.
Here is a distinguished statesman with presidential possibilities; I shall proceed to fall in love with him.'
Ballard shook the presidential hand and swung up to the platform of the private car.
When the Presidential party and their escort entered the hall they were greeted with enthusiastic cheers.
We heard no talk of hard times except just before a presidential election.
When the excitement of the presidential election subsides, Maxime Valois joins the banquets of the Democratic victors.