positron emission tomography


the process of producing a PET scan.
Compare PET scanner.

Words nearby positron emission tomography

British Dictionary definitions for positron emission tomography

positron emission tomography


a technique for assessing brain activity and function by recording the emission of positrons from radioactively labelled substances, such as glucose or dopamine

Medical definitions for positron emission tomography

positron emission tomography


Tomography in which a computer-generated image of local metabolic and physiological functions in tissues is produced through the detection of gamma rays that are emitted when introduced radionuclides decay and release positrons.

Scientific definitions for positron emission tomography

positron emission tomography

Tomography in which a computer-generated image of metabolic or physiologic activity within the body is produced through the detection of gamma rays that are emitted when introduced radionuclides decay and release positrons. The images are used in the evaluation of coronary artery disease, epilepsy, and other medical disorders.