
[ pwan-tl-iz-uh m, -tee-iz-, poin-tl-iz- ]
/ ˈpwæn tlˌɪz əm, -tiˌɪz-, ˈpɔɪn tlˌɪz- /

noun (sometimes initial capital letter)

a theory and technique developed by the neo-impressionists, based on the principle that juxtaposed dots of pure color, as blue and yellow, are optically mixed into the resulting hue, as green, by the viewer.

Origin of pointillism

1900–05; < French pointillisme, equivalent to pointill(er) to mark with points + -isme -ism

OTHER WORDS FROM pointillism

poin·til·list, noun, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for pointillism

/ (ˈpwæntɪˌlɪzəm, -tiːˌɪzəm, ˈpɔɪn-) /


the technique of painting elaborated from impressionism, in which dots of unmixed colour are juxtaposed on a white ground so that from a distance they fuse in the viewer's eye into appropriate intermediate tones Also called: divisionism

Derived forms of pointillism

pointillist, noun, adjective

Word Origin for pointillism

C19: from French, from pointiller to mark with tiny dots, from pointille little point, from Italian puntiglio, from punto point