an improvement, as in health, business conditions, work, production, etc.
a casual, usually unintroduced acquaintance, often one made in hope of a sexual relationship.
an instance of stopping for or taking aboard passengers or freight, as by a train, ship, taxicab, etc., especially an instance of taking freight or a shipment of goods onto a truck.
the person, freight, or shipment so taken aboard: The cab driver had a pickup at the airport who wanted to be driven to the docks.
- capacity for rapid acceleration.
- acceleration; increase in speed.
- Also called pickup truck. a small truck with a low-sided open body, used for deliveries and light hauling.
the act of fielding a ball after it hits the ground.
Also called cartridge.
a small device attached to the end of a phonograph tone arm that contains a stylus and the mechanism that translates the movement of the stylus in a record groove into a changing electrical voltage.
- the act of receiving sound waves in the transmitting set in order to change them into electrical waves.
- a receiving or recording device.
- the place from which a broadcast is being transmitted.
- interference(def 4).
- the change of light energy into electrical energy in a television camera.
- camera tube.
- a telecast made directly from the scene of an action.
a hitchhiker.
(in the cold-drawing of metal) the adhesion of particles of the metal to the die or plug.