The floors were softened by cork tiles, the walls by Philippine mahogany paneling.
Correction: Ferdinand Marcos, the former Philippine president, was referred to incorrectly in an earlier version of this story.
Philippine officials initially came up with the idea in 2006 but backed out at the last minute.
In the Philippine campaign and in both World Wars I and II, as well as in Vietnam, American armies were drawn from civilians.
Such is the case with the languages of the Philippine Islands.
At last we prevailed upon soldiers of the Philippine constabulary to arrest the queen and bring her to Manila.
As is well known, it is almost impossible to make headway in a Philippine forest without chopping down creepers and tangled vines.
After all is said and done, the real Philippine question is not what path they shall take.
The buildings are four of those (including the main structure) which served for the Philippine Exhibition some years ago.