Père David's deer

[ pair dah-veedz, pair dey-vidz ]
/ ˈpɛər dɑˈvidz, ˌpɛər ˈdeɪ vɪdz /


a medium-sized, reddish-gray deer, Elaphurus davidianus, of which stocks were obtained in Peking in 1865 and brought to parks in Europe before the remaining Chinese deer were killed in 1900: the species is sustained in captivity.

Origin of Père David's deer

1895–1900; named after Père Armand David (1826–1900), French missionary, the deer's first European observer

British Dictionary definitions for pere david's deer

Père David's deer


a large grey deer, Elaphurus davidianus, surviving only in captivity as descendants of a herd preserved in the Imperial hunting park near Beijing

Word Origin for Père David's deer

C20: named after Father A. David (died 1900), French missionary