
[ pas-im ]
/ ˈpæs ɪm /

adverb Latin.

here and there: used in bibliographic references to indicate that the writer has drawn upon material scattered throughout the source cited.

Definition for passim (2 of 2)

sic passim
[ seek pahs-sim; English sik pas-im ]
/ sik ˈpɑs sɪm; English sɪk ˈpæs ɪm /

adverb Latin.

so throughout: used especially as a footnote to indicate that a word, phrase, or idea recurs throughout the book being cited.

Example sentences from the Web for passim

British Dictionary definitions for passim (1 of 2)

/ Latin (ˈpæsɪm) /


here and there; throughout: used to indicate that what is referred to occurs frequently in the work cited

British Dictionary definitions for passim (2 of 2)

sic passim
/ Latin (ˈsɪk ˈpæsɪm) /

a phrase used in printed works to indicate that a word, spelling, etc, occurs in the same form throughout

Word Origin for sic passim

literally: thus everywhere

Cultural definitions for passim

[ (pas-im) ]

A word used in footnotes and similar material to indicate that a word or subject occurs frequently. For example, an entry in an index reading “coal: 78–86 passim” means that coal is mentioned throughout pages 78 to 86. Passim is Latin for “throughout” or “here and there.”