
[ verb oh-ver-ruhn; noun oh-ver-ruhn ]
/ verb ˌoʊ vərˈrʌn; noun ˈoʊ vərˌrʌn /

verb (used with object), o·ver·ran, o·ver·run, o·ver·run·ning.

verb (used without object), o·ver·ran, o·ver·run, o·ver·run·ning.

to run over; overflow: a stream that always overruns at springtime.
to exceed the proper, desired, or normal quantity, limit, order, etc.: Do you want to overrun on this next issue?


Origin of overrun

before 900; Middle English overrennen, Old English oferyrnan. See over-, run

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British Dictionary definitions for overrun


verb (ˌəʊvəˈrʌn) -runs, -running, -ran or -run

noun (ˈəʊvəˌrʌn)