Ottoman Empire


a former Turkish empire that was founded about 1300 by Osman and reached its greatest territorial extent under Suleiman in the 16th century; collapsed after World War I. Capital: Constantinople.
Also called Turkish Empire.

British Dictionary definitions for ottoman empire

Ottoman Empire


the former Turkish empire in Europe, Asia, and Africa, which lasted from the late 13th century until the end of World War I Also called: Turkish Empire

Cultural definitions for ottoman empire (1 of 2)

Ottoman Empire

An empire developed by the Turks between the fourteenth and twentieth centuries; it was succeeded in the 1920s by the present-day republic of Turkey. At its peak, the Ottoman Empire included, besides present-day Turkey, large parts of the Middle East and southeastern Europe.

Cultural definitions for ottoman empire (2 of 2)

Ottoman Empire

An empire developed by Turks between the fourteenth and twentieth centuries. It was succeeded in the 1920s by the present-day republic of Turkey. At its greatest extent, the Ottoman Empire included many parts of southeastern Europe and the Middle East.