
[ awrt-ler ]
/ ˈɔrt lər /


a range of the Alps in N Italy.
the highest peak of this range. 12,802 feet (3902 meters).

Example sentences from the Web for ortler

  • The Ortler was transfigured, the Madatsch dazzling—almost blinding until our eyes had grown wonted to the brilliant spectacle.

    Europe from a Motor Car |Russell Richardson
  • A multitude of mountains raised their crowns towards heaven, while above all rose the snow-white cone of the Ortler.

    The Glaciers of the Alps |John Tyndall
  • We were directly under the shadow of the Ortler, with its twelve thousand feet of rock and ice.

    Europe from a Motor Car |Russell Richardson
  • Pastor Ortler was still the same, preaching to his little flock, and giving freely of his means, his wife only slightly older.

    Scenes in Switzerland |American Tract Society