But organically their professional lives have come together.
What happened to the gathering over the years is common to a lot of organically grown festivals.
Adam tended to the garden and he and Eve ate locally sourced, organically grown vegetation.
Their byproduct is used to organically fertilize the food, while the plants naturally clean the fish tanks.
It built a big coalition based on a middle class that was organically conservative—but not ideologically right-wing.
That the sciences are organically connected is a thought common to him and to his distinguished predecessor Roger Bacon.
Both neglect the importance of the active, the organically spontaneous and direct tendencies which enter into the individual.
Hence the prophet prophesies of a definite future arising out of and organically connected with the present.
Reality, as experienced, is a whole of organically related parts, not a mechanical compound of elements.
In that case, we shall have a group of four churches, organically related, standing together to do the work of the Larger Parish.