
[ awf-bawrd, -bohrd, of- ]
/ ˈɔfˈbɔrd, -ˈboʊrd, ˈɒf- /

adjective, adverb Stock Exchange.

outside of a major exchange, as over the counter or between private parties: an off-board transaction.

Origin of off-board

First recorded in 1945–50

Definition for off-board (2 of 2)


or off-board

[ awf-bawrd, ‐bohrd, of‐ ]
/ ˈɔfˈbɔrd, ‐ˈboʊrd, ˈɒf‐ /


not carried, installed, etc., within a vehicle or electronic device: offboard software to track and control the robot's movement.

verb (used with object) Business.

to interact and exchange information with (a departing employee) so as to ensure a smooth transition, protect company assets, etc.
to manage the end of a business relationship with (a customer) so as to maintain goodwill, protect confidential data, etc.

Origin of offboard

First recorded in 1945–50; off + board