[ uh-kur ]
/ əˈkɜr /
verb (used without object), oc·curred, oc·cur·ring.
to happen; take place; come to pass: When did the accident occur?
to be met with or found; present itself; appear.
to suggest itself in thought; come to mind (usually followed by to): An idea occurred to me.
Origin of occur
pre·oc·cur, verb (used without object), pre·oc·curred, pre·oc·cur·ring. re·oc·cur, verb (used without object), re·oc·curred, re·oc·cur·ring. un·oc·cur·ring, adjectiveWords nearby occur
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British Dictionary definitions for occur
/ (əˈkɜː) /
verb -curs, -curring or -curred (intr)
to happen; take place; come about
to be found or be present; exist
(foll by to)
to be realized or thought of (by); suggest itself (to)
Word Origin for occur
C16: from Latin
occurrere to run up to, from
ob- to +
currere to run
usage for occur
It is usually regarded as incorrect to talk of pre-arranged events
occurring or
happening :
the wedding took place (not
occurred or
in the afternoon