
[ noo-muh-rol-uh-jee, nyoo- ]
/ ˌnu məˈrɒl ə dʒi, ˌnyu- /


the study of numbers, as the figures designating the year of one's birth, to determine their supposed influence on one's life, future, etc.

Origin of numerology

1910–15; < Latin numer(us) number + -o- + -logy


nu·mer·o·log·i·cal [noo-mer-uh-loj-i-kuh l, nyoo-] /ˌnu mər əˈlɒdʒ ɪ kəl, ˌnyu-/, adjective nu·mer·ol·o·gist, noun

Example sentences from the Web for numerology

  • His company names all ended in an X—EBX, OGX, MMX—because in numerology, X stands for the multiplication of wealth.

    The Zillionaires Who Lost Everything |Tom Sykes |October 26, 2014 |DAILY BEAST
  • (For devotees of numerology the weakest seasons seem to come every third year–3, 6, 9).

    Is This the Death of American Idol? |Richard Rushfield |May 27, 2010 |DAILY BEAST
  • In the study of Numerology we find there are seven principal numbers that indicate what influences prevail in your life.

    Manual of the Enumeration |C. J. Coffman
  • You meet quite a few people in the theater who are bats on numerology, they use it to pick stage-names.

    No Great Magic |Fritz Reuter Leiber

British Dictionary definitions for numerology

/ (ˌnjuːməˈrɒlədʒɪ) /


the study of numbers, such as the figures in a birth date, and of their supposed influence on human affairs

Derived forms of numerology

numerological (ˌnjuːmərəˈlɒdʒɪkəl), adjective numerologist, noun