
[ nov-is ]
/ ˈnɒv ɪs /


a person who is new to the circumstances, work, etc., in which he or she is placed; beginner; tyro: a novice in politics.
a person who has been received into a religious order or congregation for a period of probation before taking vows.
a person newly become a church member.
a recent convert to Christianity.

Origin of novice

1300–50; Middle English novyce < Middle French novice < Medieval Latin novītius convent novice, variant of Latin novīcius newly come into a particular status, derivative of novus new. See -itious


nov·ice·hood, noun nov·ice·like, adjective

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British Dictionary definitions for novice

/ (ˈnɒvɪs) /


  1. a person who is new to or inexperienced in a certain task, situation, etc; beginner; tyro
  2. (as modifier)novice driver
a probationer in a religious order
a sportsman, esp an oarsman, who has not won a recognized prize, performed to an established level, etc
a racehorse, esp a steeplechaser or hurdler, that has not won a specified number of races

Word Origin for novice

C14: via Old French from Latin novīcius, from novus new