Håkon, a Norwegian psychologist friend, said I would need therapy afterwards.
A Norwegian population-based survey of nearly 4,000 women under 45 found a clear link between exercise intensity and fertility.
Opponents of their expansion, Norwegian Airline argues, are simply against new competition.
In the ad, they cite an article published by several Norwegian scientists in the journal Nutritional Neuroscience.
DNV GL, a Norwegian environmental technology company, is working on a way to introduce wind power into off-shore oil production.
Her forhed was as whytte as ys the snowe whyche y^e talle hed of a Norwegian pyne stelythe from y^e northerne wynde.
She has a myrtle wreath or a crown like her Norwegian sister.
One of them spoke a little English, the other only French and Norwegian.
But as our Norwegian brethren are connected with our own Conference, a brief reference to their work will not be out of place.
On the other hand, he showed great appreciation of our Norwegian tobacco.