
[ non-pruh-fesh-uh-nl ]
/ ˌnɒn prəˈfɛʃ ə nl /


not a member of or trained in a specific profession.
Sports. not offering or engaged in for payment or a monetary prize; amateur: a nonprofessional league; a nonprofessional player.


a person who is not a professional.
an amateur athlete.

Origin of nonprofessional

First recorded in 1795–1805; non- + professional

OTHER WORDS FROM nonprofessional

non·pro·fes·sion·al·ism, noun

Example sentences from the Web for nonprofessional

  • It is more vividly brought home to us from the nonprofessional, the disinterested and involuntary testimony of secular writing.

    Preaching and Paganism |Albert Parker Fitch
  • For the ulceration it is useless to prescribe, because it can neither be diagnosed nor topically treated by the nonprofessional.

    Special Report on Diseases of the Horse |United States Department of Agriculture
  • Another and oftentimes fatal mistake made by the nonprofessional is the indiscriminate and reckless use of aconite.

    Special Report on Diseases of the Horse |United States Department of Agriculture
  • There was nothing more he could do at the moment—the autosurgeon's decisions were safer than any nonprofessional's guesswork.

    The Winds of Time |James H. Schmitz

British Dictionary definitions for nonprofessional

/ (ˌnɒnprəˈfɛʃənəl) /


not of, relating to, suitable for, or engaged in a profession
not undertaken or performed for gain or by people who are paid