[ ney-zoh-far-ingks ]
/ ˌneɪ zoʊˈfær ɪŋks /
noun, plural na·so·pha·ryn·ges [ney-zoh-fuh-rin-jeez] /ˌneɪ zoʊ fəˈrɪn dʒiz/, na·so·phar·ynx·es. Anatomy.
the part of the pharynx behind and above the soft palate, directly continuous with the nasal passages.
Compare oropharynx(def 2).
OTHER WORDS FROM nasopharynx
na·so·pha·ryn·ge·al [ney-zoh-fuh-rin-jee-uh l, -juh l, -far-uh n-jee-uh l] /ˌneɪ zoʊ fəˈrɪn dʒi əl, -dʒəl, -ˌfær ənˈdʒi əl/, adjectiveWords nearby nasopharynx
British Dictionary definitions for nasopharynx
/ (ˌneɪzəʊˈfærɪŋks) /
noun plural -pharynges (-fəˈrɪndʒiːz) or -pharynxes
the part of the pharynx situated above and behind the soft palate
Derived forms of nasopharynx
nasopharyngeal (ˌneɪzəʊfəˈrɪndʒɪəl, -ˌfærɪnˈdʒɪəl), adjectiveMedical definitions for nasopharynx
[ nā′zō-făr′ĭngks ]
The part of the pharynx above the soft palate that is continuous with the nasal passages.