
[ maw-neesh ]
/ mɔˈniʃ /


An·to·nio Ca·e·ta·no de A·bre·u Fre·i·re E·gas [ahn-taw-nyoo kah-uh-tah-noo duh uh-bre-oo fruh-ee-ruh ee-guh sh] /ɑ̃ˈtɔ nyʊ ˌkɑ əˈtɑ nʊ də əˈbrɛ ʊ frəˈi rə ˈi gəʃ/,1874–1955, Portuguese neurosurgeon: Nobel prize 1949.

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[ mō-nēz, -nēsh ]
Antonio Caetano de Abreu Freire Egas 1874-1955

Portuguese neurosurgeon. He shared a 1949 Nobel Prize for the development of prefrontal lobotomy as a radical treatment for severe psychoses.