
[ mohst ]
/ moʊst /

adjective, superl. of much or many with more as compar.


adverb, superl. of much with more as compar.

Idioms for most

Origin of most

before 900; Middle English most(e), Old English māst; replacing Middle English mest(e), Old English mǣst; cognate with German meist, Gothic maists. See more

synonym study for most

11. See almost.

usage note for most

11. The adverb most, a shortened form of almost, is far from being either a recent development or an Americanism. It goes back to the 16th century in England, where it is now principally a dialect form. In American English it occurs before such pronouns as all, anyone, anybody, everyone, and everybody; the adjectives all, any, and every; and adverbs like anywhere and everywhere: Most everyone around here is related to everyone else. You can find that plant most anywhere. This use of most is often objected to, but it is common in the informal speech of educated persons. It is less common in edited writing except in representations of speech.


almost most

Definition for most (2 of 4)

[ men-ee ]
/ ˈmɛn i /

adjective, more, most.

constituting or forming a large number; numerous: many people.
noting each one of a large number (usually followed by a or an): For many a day it rained.


a large or considerable number of persons or things: A good many of the beggars were blind.
the many, the greater part of humankind.


many persons or things: Many of the beggars were blind. Many were unable to attend.

Origin of many

before 900; Middle English mani, meni, Old English manig, menig; akin to Old Saxon, Old High German manag, menig, Danish mange, Gothic manags


1 multifarious, multitudinous, myriad; divers, sundry, various. Many, innumerable, manifold, numerous imply the presence or succession of a large number of units. Many is a popular and common word for this idea: many times. Numerous, a more formal word, refers to a great number or to very many units: letters too numerous to mention. Innumerable denotes a number that is beyond count or, more loosely, that is extremely difficult to count: the innumerable stars in the sky. Manifold implies not only that the number is large but also that there is variety or complexity.


o·ver·man·y, adjective

Definition for most (3 of 4)

[ muhch ]
/ mʌtʃ /

adjective, more, most.

great in quantity, measure, or degree: too much cake.


a great quantity, measure, or degree: Much of his research was unreliable.
a great, important, or notable thing or matter: The house is not much to look at.

adverb, more, most.

to a great extent or degree; greatly; far: to talk too much; much heavier.
nearly, approximately, or about: This is much like the others.

Origin of much

1150–1200; Middle English muche, moche, apocopated variant of muchel, mochel, Old English mycel; replacing Middle English miche(l), Old English micel great, much (cf. mickle), cognate with Old Norse mikill, Gothic mikils, Greek mégal-, suppletive stem of mégas great


much very (see usage note at very)

Definition for most (4 of 4)


a combining form of most occurring in a series of superlatives: foremost; utmost.

Origin of -most

Middle English -most; replacing Middle English, Old English -mest, double superlative suffix, equivalent to -ma superlative suffix (as in Old English forma first; compare Latin prīmus) + -est1; later identified with most

British Dictionary definitions for most (1 of 4)

/ (məʊst) /



Word Origin for most

Old English māst or mǣst, whence Middle English moste, mēst; compare Old Frisian maest, Old High German meist, Old Norse mestr

usage for most

More and most should be distinguished when used in comparisons. More applies to cases involving two persons, objects, etc, most to cases involving three or more

British Dictionary definitions for most (2 of 4)



forming the superlative degree of some adjectives and adverbs hindmost; uppermost

Word Origin for -most

Old English -mǣst, -mest, originally a superlative suffix, later mistakenly taken as derived from mǣst (adv) most

British Dictionary definitions for most (3 of 4)

/ (ˈmɛnɪ) /


(sometimes preceded by a great or a good)
  1. a large number ofmany coaches; many times
  2. (as pronoun; functioning as plural)many are seated already
(foll by a, an, or another, and a singular noun) each of a considerable number of many a man
(preceded by as, too, that, etc)
  1. a great number ofas many apples as you like; too many clouds to see
  2. (as pronoun; functioning as plural)I have as many as you


the many the majority of mankind, esp the common people the many are kept in ignorance while the few prosper Compare few (def. 7)
See also more, most

Word Origin for many

Old English manig; related to Old Frisian manich, Middle Dutch menech, Old High German manag

British Dictionary definitions for most (4 of 4)

/ (mʌtʃ) /




(predicative; usually used with a negative) impressive or important this car isn't much
See also more, most

Word Origin for much

Old English mycel; related to Old English micel great, Old Saxon mikil, Gothic mikils; compare also Latin magnus, Greek megas

Idioms and Phrases with most (1 of 3)


see at most; for the most part; make the most of.

Idioms and Phrases with most (2 of 3)


Idioms and Phrases with most (3 of 3)
