
[ met-uh-math-uh-mat-iks ]
/ ˌmɛt əˌmæθ əˈmæt ɪks /

noun (used with a singular verb)

the logical analysis of the fundamental concepts of mathematics, as number, function, etc.

Origin of metamathematics

First recorded in 1885–90; meta- + mathematics

OTHER WORDS FROM metamathematics

met·a·math·e·mat·i·cal, adjective met·a·math·e·ma·ti·cian [met-uh-math-uh-muh-tish-uh n] /ˌmɛt əˌmæθ ə məˈtɪʃ ən/, noun

British Dictionary definitions for metamathematics

/ (ˌmɛtəˌmæθɪˈmætɪks) /


(functioning as singular) the logical analysis of the reasoning, principles, and rules that control the use and combination of mathematical symbols, numbers, etc

Derived forms of metamathematics

metamathematical, adjective metamathematician, noun