noun Computers.
a tag in HTML that is inserted at the top of a web page chiefly to describe its content and provide keywords for use by search engines.
Words nearby metatag
British Dictionary definitions for meta tag
meta tag
/ (ˈmɛtəˌtæɡ) /
an element of HTML that describes the contents of a Web page, and is placed near the beginning of the page's source code, and used by search engines to index pages by subject
Scientific definitions for meta tag
[ mĕt′ə-tăg′ ]
An HTML tag that contains descriptive information about a webpage and does not appear when the webpage is displayed in a browser. A word that is in a metatag of a webpage will cause that webpage to turn up as a result of a search engine's search on that word, even if that word is not found in the webpage as viewed in a browser.