
[ med-lee ]
/ ˈmɛd li /

noun, plural med·leys.

a mixture, especially of heterogeneous elements; hodgepodge; jumble.
a piece of music combining tunes or passages from various sources: a medley of hit songs from Broadway shows.


Archaic. mixed; mingled.

Origin of medley

1300–50; Middle English medlee (noun and adj.) < Anglo-French, noun and adj. use of feminine of past participle of medler to mix, fight; see meddle

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British Dictionary definitions for medley

/ (ˈmɛdlɪ) /


a mixture of various types or elements
a musical composition consisting of various tunes arranged as a continuous whole
Also called: medley relay
  1. swimming a race in which a different stroke is used for each length
  2. athletics a relay race in which each leg has a different distance
an archaic word for melee


of, being, or relating to a mixture or variety

Word Origin for medley

C14: from Old French medlee, from medler to mix, quarrel