They are variously loud, meditative, dramatic, witty, sexy, searing, and elegiac.
Again and again, the band sacrifices the simple joy of a pop hook for the sake of a dense, meditative ambiance.
I would have added “no photographs of meditative politicians walking on the shore” with a slash though a silhouette of JFK.
I find it a beautiful, meditative few minutes in the darkness, a spiritual sanctuary which really clears my head.
While his earlier films were meditative and often peppered with whimsical interludes, A Touch of Sin is notable for its anger.
Why is it that Adventures are so generally repulsive to people of meditative minds?
Grave, elderly men moved noiselessly to and fro, or sat in meditative silence in deep arm-chairs.
"Powerful strange things there used to be on this earth a long time ago," said Hugh, in a meditative tone.
It was but a bonfire in appearance, yet it marred both the landscape and the meditative rest of the gazer.
His meditative tendencies were especially noticed as most characteristic.