Marshall Islands

plural noun

a group of 34 atolls in the W central Pacific: formerly a part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands; since 1986 a self-governing area associated with the U.S. 70 sq. mi. (181 sq. km).

OTHER WORDS FROM Marshall Islands

Mar·shall·ese [‐shuh-leez, ‐lees] /‐ʃəˈliz, ‐ˈlis/, noun, plural Mar·shall·ese, adjective

British Dictionary definitions for marshall islands

Marshall Islands
/ (ˈmɑːʃəl) /

pl n

a republic, consisting of a group of 34 coral islands in the W central Pacific: formerly part of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1947–87); status of free association with the US from 1986; consists of two parallel chains, Ralik and Ratak. Official languages: Marshallese and English. Religion: Roman Catholic majority. Currency: US dollar. Capital: Delap-Uliga-Djarrit, on Majuro atoll. Pop: 69 747 (2013 est). Area: (land) 181 sq km (70 sq miles); (lagoon) 11 655 sq km (4500 sq miles)