
[ meyn-tuh-nuh ns ]
/ ˈmeɪn tə nəns /



Pharmacology, Psychiatry. administered to sustain a desired physiological or mental condition: maintenance dose.

Origin of maintenance

1275–1325; Middle English maintenaunce < Middle French maintenance. See maintain, -ance

synonym study for maintenance

4. See living.

OTHER WORDS FROM maintenance

non·main·te·nance, noun pre·main·te·nance, noun self-main·te·nance, noun

Example sentences from the Web for maintenance

British Dictionary definitions for maintenance

/ (ˈmeɪntɪnəns) /


the act of maintaining or the state of being maintained
a means of support; livelihood
(modifier) of or relating to the maintaining of buildings, machinery, etc maintenance man
law (formerly unlawful) the interference in a legal action by a person having no interest in it, as by providing funds to continue the action See also champerty
law a provision ordered to be made by way of periodical payments or a lump sum, as after a divorce for a spouse
  1. the correction or prevention of faults in hardware by a programme of inspection and the replacement of parts
  2. the removal of existing faults and the modification of software in response to changes in specification or environment

Word Origin for maintenance

C14: from Old French; see maintain

Medical definitions for maintenance

[ māntə-nəns ]


The extent to which a patient continues good health practices without professional supervision, as distinguished from adherence or compliance.