magnetic resonance imaging



British Dictionary definitions for magnetic resonance imaging

magnetic resonance imaging


a noninvasive medical diagnostic technique in which the absorption and transmission of high-frequency radio waves are analysed as they irradiate the hydrogen atoms in water molecules and other tissue components placed in a strong magnetic field. This computerized analysis provides a powerful aid to the diagnosis and treatment planning of many diseases, including cancer Abbreviation: MRI

Medical definitions for magnetic resonance imaging

magnetic resonance imaging


The use of a nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer to produce electronic images of specific atoms and molecular structures in solids, especially human cells, tissues, and organs.

Scientific definitions for magnetic resonance imaging

magnetic resonance imaging

See MRI.

Cultural definitions for magnetic resonance imaging

magnetic resonance imaging

A technique for forming detailed images of internal organs and tissue. It works by putting the patient inside a magnet, then using radio waves to locate atoms in the tissue. Final production of the image is done by a computer. (Compare x-ray and ultrasound.)

notes for magnetic resonance imaging

MRI images are the most detailed that can be obtained.