
[ lim-uh-nl, lahy-muh- ]
/ ˈlɪm ə nl, ˈlaɪ mə- /

adjective Psychology.

of, relating to, or situated at the limen.

Origin of liminal

1880–85; < Latin līmin- (stem of līmen) threshold + -al1

Example sentences from the Web for liminal

  • This may be technically expressed by saying that the liminal intensity (Schwelle) is raised during sleep.

    Illusions |James Sully
  • Meantime we are aware also of a substratum of fragmentary automatic, liminal ideas, of which we take small account.

British Dictionary definitions for liminal

/ (ˈlɪmɪnəl) /


psychol relating to the point (or threshold) beyond which a sensation becomes too faint to be experienced

Word Origin for liminal

C19: from Latin līmen threshold

Medical definitions for liminal

[ lĭmə-nəl ]


Relating to a threshold.