light chain


Immunology. either of an identical pair of polypeptides in the antibody molecule that lie parallel to the upper parts of the heavy chain pair and are half the molecular weight.
Also called L chain.

Origin of light chain

First recorded in 1960–65

Medical definitions for l chain

light chain


The smaller of the two types of polypeptide chains in immunoglobulins, consisting of an antigen-binding portion with a variable amino acid sequence, and a constant region with an amino acid sequence that is relatively unchanging.

Scientific definitions for l chain

light chain

The smaller of the two types of polypeptide chains in an antibody molecule. A light chain consists of an antigen-binding portion with a variable amino acid sequence, and a constant region with an amino acid sequence that is relatively unchanging. The light chains are attached to the heavy chains so that the variable regions of both lie alongside each other. Compare heavy chain.