
[ lee-vee-mon-tl-chee-nee, ley-; Italian le-vee-mawn-tahl-chee-nee ]
/ ˈli viˌmɒn tlˈtʃi ni, ˈleɪ-; Italian ˈlɛ viˌmɔn tɑlˈtʃi ni /


Rita,1909–2012, U.S. neurologist, born in Italy: Nobel Prize 1986.

Medical definitions for levi-montalcini

[ lēvē-mŏn′tl-chēnē, lĕvē-môn′täl- ]
Rita Born 1909

Italian-American developmental biologist. She shared a 1986 Nobel Prize for the discovery of the nerve growth factor.

Scientific definitions for levi-montalcini

[ lēvē-mŏn′tl-chēnē, lĕvē-mōn′täl- ]
Rita Born 1909

Italian-born American developmental biologist who discovered the nerve growth factor (NGF), a bodily substance that stimulates the growth of nerve cells. For this work she shared with American biochemist Stanley Cohen the 1986 Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.