
[ let-is ]
/ ˈlɛt ɪs /


a cultivated plant, Lactuca sativa, occurring in many varieties and having succulent leaves used for salads.
any species of Lactuca.
Slang. U.S. dollar bills; greenbacks.

Origin of lettuce

1250–1300; 1925–30 for def 3; Middle English letuse, apparently < Old French laitues, plural of laitue < Latin lactūca a lettuce, perhaps derivative of lac, stem lact- milk, with termination as in erūca rocket2 (or by association with Greek galaktoûchos having milk)

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British Dictionary definitions for lettuce

/ (ˈlɛtɪs) /


any of various plants of the genus Lactuca, esp L. sativa, which is cultivated in many varieties for its large edible leaves: family Asteraceae (composites)
the leaves of any of these varieties, which are eaten in salads
any of various plants that resemble true lettuce, such as lamb's lettuce and sea lettuce

Word Origin for lettuce

C13: probably from Old French laitues, pl of laitue, from Latin lactūca, from lac- milk, because of its milky juice