His fellow panelists were the Brady Campaign's Dan Gross, The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg, and LeHigh University's James Peterson.
But Lehigh University Professor James Peterson says that only applies if justice for Trayvon actually is achieved in the end.
In July of this year, investigators met with the Lehigh County Coroner and Forensic Pathologist Samuel Land.
I wound up getting a gun stuck in my mouth at 4th and Lehigh (in North Philadelphia) over $10.
Ever since that time the Lehigh has flowed through the chasm that he made.
That night the walking party slept on the north side of the Lehigh Mountains.
Lehigh wished a building and Charlie was her chief advocate.
His first stories were written while he was editor of a paper at Lehigh College, in his student days.
Then she heard a faint rumble of another freight on the Lehigh Valley road.