law of large numbers

noun Mathematics.

the theorem in probability theory that the number of successes increases as the number of experiments increases and approximates the probability times the number of experiments for a large number of experiments.

Origin of law of large numbers

First recorded in 1935–40

British Dictionary definitions for law of large numbers

law of large numbers


the fundamental statistical result that the average of a sequence of n identically distributed independent random variables tends to their common mean as n tends to infinity, whence the frequency of the occurrence of an event in n independent repetitions of an experiment tends to its probability

Medical definitions for law of large numbers

law of large numbers


The rule or theorem that a large number of items chosen at random from a population will, on the average, have the characteristics of the population. Bernoulli's law

Scientific definitions for law of large numbers

law of large numbers

The rule or theorem that the average of a large number of independent measurements of a random quantity tends toward the theoretical average of that quantity. Also called Bernoulli's law