But Lanza himself was not just another mall shooter, or school shooter.
One thing that seems notable in retrospect is the book Lanza made as part of a class project in the fifth grade.
The others dashed out of the room to safety just as Lanza got the gun cleared.
Lanza was proceeding to do what he really wanted, to kill children, when the rifle jammed.
It would have been an ordeal for them to buy illegal weapons simply because, like Lanza, they were not immersed in lawlessness.
When Dr. Lanza called on you last week, he found the door to your office locked.
Lanza and Marley may suspect the truth right now, for all I know; they keep such close watch on my work.
Lanza is open to grave criticism for entering into a contract which it was morally certain that he would not be able to keep.
Nodding his head, Dr. Lanza glanced briefly around the office.
"Just a minute," said Lanza, trying to bring his eyes into focus on the excited girl.