
[ land-fil ]
/ ˈlændˌfɪl /

noun Also called sanitary landfill.

a low area of land that is built up from deposits of solid refuse in layers covered by soil.
the solid refuse itself.

verb (used without object)

to create more usable land by this means.

verb (used with object)

to make (an area of land) by means of a landfill.
to use in a landfill: to landfill millions of tons of garbage each year.

Origin of landfill

An Americanism dating back to 1940–45; land + fill

Example sentences from the Web for landfill

British Dictionary definitions for landfill

/ (ˈlændˌfɪl) /


  1. disposal of waste material by burying it under layers of earth
  2. (as modifier)landfill sites

Scientific definitions for landfill

[ lăndfĭl′ ]

A disposal site where solid waste, such as paper, glass, and metal, is buried between layers of dirt and other materials in such a way as to reduce contamination of the surrounding land. Modern landfills are often lined with layers of absorbent material and sheets of plastic to keep pollutants from leaking into the soil and water. Also called sanitary landfill