What Knudsen set in motion over the next five years not only saved America but the free world.
Knudsen had to fire people–mostly managers who had trapped Chevy in its money-losing mold–and restructure what was left.
In the end, Knudsen knew what Romney knows: that jobs are the result of productivity and profits, not the other way around.
No one expects Mitt Romney to save the world, as Knudsen did.
Legally, Knudsen is as American as the rest of us—but can he be?
But Knudsen was very 148 anxious, surprising in so cool a fellow.
Then Knudsen quietly took charge of us, and led us where we belonged.
He did not approach the subject again till he and Knudsen and I and Corder were together in the tent.
Then Knudsen will bestir himself and race me for bed, at the same time that Reardon lays by his pen and accepts our warning.