junk food


food, as potato chips or candy, that is high in calories but of little nutritional value.
anything that is attractive and diverting but of negligible substance: the junk food offered by daytime television.

Origin of junk food

An Americanism dating back to 1970–75


junk-food, adjective

Example sentences from the Web for junk food

British Dictionary definitions for junk food

junk food


food that is low in nutritional value, often highly processed or ready-prepared, and eaten instead of or in addition to well-balanced meals

Medical definitions for junk food

junk food


Any of various prepackaged snack foods high in calories but low in nutritional value.

Idioms and Phrases with junk food

junk food

Prepackaged snack food that is high in calories but low in nutritional value; also, anything attractive but negligible in value. For example, Nell loves potato chips and other junk food, or When I'm sick in bed I often resort to TV soap operas and similar junk food. [c. 1970]