
[ joo-buh-leyt ]
/ ˈdʒu bəˌleɪt /

verb (used without object), ju·bi·lat·ed, ju·bi·lat·ing.

to show or feel great joy; rejoice; exult.
to celebrate a jubilee or joyful occasion.

Origin of jubilate

1595–1605; < Latin jūbilātus (past participle of jūbilāre to shout for joy), equivalent to jūbil- shout + -ātus -ate1


ju·bi·la·to·ry [joo-buh-luh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˈdʒu bə ləˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/, adjective

Definition for jubilate (2 of 2)

[ joo-buh-ley-tee; yoo-buh-lah-tey, -tee, joo- ]
/ ˌdʒu bəˈleɪ ti; ˌyu bəˈlɑ teɪ, -ti, ˌdʒu- /


Also called Jubilate Sunday. the third Sunday after Easter: so called from the first word of the 65th Psalm in the Vulgate, which is used as the introit.
a musical setting of this psalm.

Origin of Jubilate

First recorded in 1700–10, Jubilate is from the Latin word jūbilāte shout ye for joy

Example sentences from the Web for jubilate

British Dictionary definitions for jubilate (1 of 2)

/ (ˈdʒuːbɪˌleɪt) /

verb (intr)

to have or express great joy; rejoice
to celebrate a jubilee

Word Origin for jubilate

C17: from Latin jūbilāre to raise a shout of joy; see jubilant

British Dictionary definitions for jubilate (2 of 2)

/ (ˌdʒuːbɪˈlɑːtɪ) /


RC Church Church of England the 100th psalm used as a canticle in the liturgy
a musical setting of this psalm

Word Origin for Jubilate

from the opening word ( Jubilate make a joyful noise) of the Vulgate version