But in 2001, at the Miss Philippines competition, Jeannie Anderson put all other vain contestants to shame.
Hernandez was followed by Jeannie Suk, a professor at Harvard Law School who has studied innovation in the fashion industry.
"It took us all a long time to heal from that," said Jeannie Bohn.
Tommy, his sister Kathleen, and Jerri's friend Jeannie were by her side.
She and Jeannie were planning a trip to the Arctic Circle to follow some nomadic reindeer herders.
Jeannie had found the other girls, and all three of them had come to tell Minnie they did not believe Lillia.
"Let Augusta alone for not noticing a question till she chooses to answer it," said Jeannie Hadden, laughing.
Jeannie had seen him, and for one moment of weakness and indecision had tried to pass by without seeming to recognize him.
Jeannie was noiselessly clapping her hands, and dancing from one toe to the other with delight.
Jeannie had been so pleasant and so good a comrade till they had gone out in the punt.