He stood holding his 21-month-old son, Jamison, his wife, Kelly, at his side.
By comparison to Jamison, Daum has always been eager to point out that the pieces she writes are “not confessionals.”
According to Jamison, Ayers, Dohrn, and Machtiger all refused repeated requests to comment on the case.
But while Jamison, half-intoxicated, roared about the street, the boys kept as quiet as possible and so escaped general notice.
Jamison stared down at the little man whose collar he held firmly, with a Mills grenade dangling down at the base of his neck.
And Jamison, forewarned, took pictures from the air of the blue-sand areas.
I saluted, and Commander Jamison acknowledged the gesture with stiff precision.
There were three men on board the motor boat besides Jamison.