
[ yah-viz-uh m ]
/ ˈyɑ vɪz əm /


Also Jah·wism [yah-wiz-uh m] /ˈyɑ wɪz əm/.

Example sentences from the Web for jahvism

  • I cannot help feeling that Sira or some friend of his must have inserted the Jahvism between the grandfather and the grandson.

    Solomon and Solomonic Literature |Moncure Daniel Conway
  • What then could Jahvism say when a time arrived wherein it must defend itself against a Jahveh-created world?

    Solomon and Solomonic Literature |Moncure Daniel Conway
  • He not only repudiates the name “Jahveh,” but tells the official agents of Jahvism that their god is his devil.

    Solomon and Solomonic Literature |Moncure Daniel Conway