
[ ih-ref-ruh-guh-buh l ]
/ ɪˈrɛf rə gə bəl /


not to be disputed or contested.

Origin of irrefragable

1525–35; < Late Latin irrefragābilis, equivalent to Latin ir- ir-2 + refragā(rī) to resist, oppose + -bilis -ble

OTHER WORDS FROM irrefragable

ir·ref·ra·ga·bil·i·ty, ir·ref·ra·ga·ble·ness, noun ir·ref·ra·ga·bly, adverb

Example sentences from the Web for irrefragable

British Dictionary definitions for irrefragable

/ (ɪˈrɛfrəɡəbəl) /


not able to be denied or refuted; indisputable

Derived forms of irrefragable

irrefragability or irrefragableness, noun irrefragably, adverb

Word Origin for irrefragable

C16: from Late Latin irrefrāgābilis, from Latin ir- + refrāgārī to resist, thwart